Words with Friends: Be a Great Opponent

Using a Words with Friends cheat is acceptable nowadays, given that everybody does (especially if they’re losing) and it ups the ante of the game. Having said that, all Words with Friends players appreciate a competitive,  strategically sound and a down to wire game, especially since the prospect of having one is thrilling and is something a lot of players look forward to. However, this game isn’t all about fun and games: there are certain aspects that you need to bear in mind in order to be a great opponent. Here are some of which:

Words with Friends

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What do Winners do in Words With Friends?

Winning Words With Friends

The best Words With Friends players are not always the pioneers – it is always people who have studied the tactics created by the first players and probably those that use a Words With Friends cheat. That said, if you wish to go unaided in carving a path to ultimate victory, you need to incorporate what winners and experts do. Of course, you also need to possess your own signature move or style of play, but work with these tactics and have the mentality of a winner first then you can work on your very own style from thereon. So, what do constant Words With Friends winners do? Continue reading

Unleash the Difficult Word from your Scrabble Pieces

Words. Words. Words. There are just 26 English letters in the alphabet but it can make up to 171, 476 words that we use everyday, 47, 156 obsolete words that you may not even be familiar with and 9500 derivatives that are not often used. There are also additional words that are associated with celebrities like “twerking” and Miley Cyrus. Moreso, you must be familiar with the trending Oxford Dictionaries’ word of the year “selfie”. You can’t memorize or remember all of these words in an instant that you are given blocks of letters that you will form a word. If you are familiar with the board game scrabble, you will know what I mean.word search game Continue reading