Scrabble Strategies and Their Battlefield Counterparts

Though using a Scrabble cheat is always a necessity, you can always resort to the old fashioned way of winning – leave the cheats as a last resort. Scrabble is a game that is tactically inclined, more like chess and other role-playing games that involve vast fields of war. The only difference is you play it with words. That said, what are these strategies and how can we compare them to the field of war? Well, here goes:

Swapping Tiles

scrabble winning strategies

Although you wouldn’t need to swap tiles if you are using a Scrabble cheat, doing so is an essential tactic in the game. Why? Although it will cause you to miss a turn, doing so will allow you to replenish your tiles in order to make moves in the succeeding turns. This is important, especially if there is no opening on the board while words on your rack are uncooperative. Why stick with what you currently have when it could cause your demise? It is always an option to take a step back and make a switch. Doing so could actually cause you to salvage and win the game.

Battlefield counterpart: Picture a general commanding his army to retreat because supply lines are running thin and the path to victory is dangerous. He returns back to base to resupply and restore his army’s energy. Though his opponent may have recovered as well, at least he can make up some ground with his current condition, rather than face defeat if he had not turned back. If he moved onward, he might have ended up like Napoleon Bonaparte when he and his army invaded Russia during the winter.

Using the bonus squares

By using a Scrabble cheat, you can certainly find the best options in placing new words, especially if the words on your rack contain high scoring letters. There are a few bonus squares laid out on the Scrabble board, namely: the double-letter bonus, triple-letter bonus, double-word bonus and triple-word bonus. Maximizing them would always give you an advantage, even if you place low-scoring words. Why? Well, it prevents your opponent from using them.

Battlefield counterpart: Bonus squares are like strategic locations on a battlefield. Archers and ranged siege engines like onagers and trebuchets will always have an advantage on high walls and hills. Horseback knights will always outrun and massacre their foot unit enemies. When numbers are against you and when enemy units are advancing, find a narrow pass. Funnel the enemy units in bit by bit and crush them, much like how King Leonidas of Sparta faced the Persians.

Strike first, and strike well

According to the official Scrabble rulebook, the player who draws the letter closest to the letter A will go first. Although this highly relies on luck, you need to be first as much as possible, simply because nothing compares to the feeling of placing words on a clean board – and earning a double word score at that. By doing so, you can also place a five or more letter word in order to cover the nearest double letter bonus squares. This in turn also allows you to set the tone in the game.

Battlefield counterpart: The “wait-and-see” strategy in battle always leads to defeat – always be aggressive and smart at the same time. As discussed by Sun Tzu in the Art of War, you always need to make the first move, given that you will be the one dictating the course of the battle. This in turn will always make your opponents adjust to all your moves and maneuvers. This is the reason why Germany had initial success in the 2nd World War. It was aggressive in its claims, and by the time France and Britain decided to react, it had already taken over Poland the other parts of Europe, causing the fall of France and the near-defeat of the Soviet Union. Of course, we know how it all ended – Germany lost because it was fighting a war on several fronts. Don’t let this happen when you’re playing Scrabble.

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