Q and X Letter Tiles: Taking Advantage

Whether you’re playing Scrabble or Words With Friends, you need to learn words that start with X and Q, as well as words that contain them. Regardless if the points you score are low, you need to take advantage of them, rather than let your opponent do so. There is only one letter tile provided for each of these letters, so be sure to use them well and at the right time. That said, how exactly can you do so?

scrabble letter words

Learning the words

There are a lot of words that start with X and Q, as well as those that contain them. However, most of us somehow forget words containing them every time we open up the Scrabble board. However, playing the word is one thing – it’s another to learn the right time to place it, which is why you need to learn some of the game’s strategies. Here are some examples of words and ideal situations to use them:

  • Qi

    – pronounced as “chi”, this word has Chinese origins and is defined as “life force”. Using this word gives you a respectable 11 points, although playing the Q or the whole word in a bonus tile will give you more points, and can go as high as 33. Play it if you’re looking to get rid of the Q, or just trying to play defensively.

  • Xi

    – defined as the 14th letter of the Greek alphabet, this word gives you a base score of 9, although it can go as high 27. Having said that, like Qi, place the word if you’re playing defense!

Aside from the those two short words, make use of quixotry, xarque, axe, vox, xis, equinox and quartz. Remember, play the two letter tiles in bonus squares if you can in order to increase their value exponentially!

Never swap them

Although swapping letter tiles is always an option, it never is if you’re trying to create words that start with X and q, or the ones that contain them. Swapping your tiles replenishes your rack, but causes you to miss a turn. It’s unsafe to do so, but it’s your best option if you have an uncooperative rack, but remember, never ever replace or swap any of the powerful consonants, especially X, Q, Z and J. Why? Well, it opens up the possibility of your opponent taking advantage of them instead of you. Swap them and you kill your chances of scoring big and at the same time give your opponent a chance to do so.

Put them on bonus tiles

Words that start with X and Q should be placed on bonus tiles at all times. Despite the fact that they can score big on their own, it is obviously better if you put them on bonus tiles, particularly the triple word or letter tiles. Placing a Q on one will grant an automatic 30 points – score a bingo and you can even go as high as 100. Learning the words that contain them is an essential part of this, so be sure to do so before you open the board!

Words that start with X or Q can put a lot of space between you and your opponent in a hurry. Be sure to practice the above mentioned tips before playing them in real games – you’ll be surprised at the power they pack!

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